pass the mulling spices...

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Harrowing the sun
my heart was bursting open
all covered in dust

Saturday, January 30, 2010


here's what you can do
take your inner conflict and
stick it up your ass

Big Joke

We don't get along.
i'm coming at you, laughing.
you're holding your breath.

not your mistress

I'm not your mistress
tell the trumpets in my heart
to shut the fuck up

Friday, January 29, 2010


gloves donned for smashed glass
curled up in a knot for you
eat me like a snake

kick me in the heart

you bitches don't sleep
you hungry hungry hippos
fucker made me cry

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Double Haiku for Both of Me

wendy's note to self
you are a happy buddha
please unclench your teeth

today's addendum
you are a shining dragon
please scorch these assholes